Tuesday 14 June 2011

Economic Injustices

Historical Land Injustices.
The issue of land is among the injustices Kenya is experiencing up to date.After the colonialist arrived in Kenya they displaced the  people from the fertile land to reserves which were unproductive for farming .The colonialist forced Kenyans  to provide free labour on their farms.This led to uprising among Kenyans.The major issue among Kenyans against the colonial government was land since no Kenyan was allowed to own land.After independence the land that was  taken from Kenyans was supposed to revert back to Kenyan people but this did not happen.The elites or home guards as they were usually called got almost all the land after independence.The Kenyatta administration benefited from lands which where left back by the colonialist who where not willing to settle in Kenya. Instead of the government of the day to give the Kenya people their lands which they fought hard  to regain from the colonialist, they were asked to buy them back. Most of them were maumau fighters who had  come from the forest thus they had  no money to buy land.Thus they were forced to be squatters in the own country.The home guards ,chiefs and their families got big pieces of land while the rest of the Kenyans got small pieces.

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