Thursday 16 June 2011


In the past regimes, ie Kenyatta  and Moi regime, allocation of the country resources was the prerogative of the president.The resources were  allocated according to how a certain tribe voted for  the president  during the general election or how the the administration of the day wound wish the respective tribe to vote for him in the coming elections.The resources were  allocated according to session paper number  ten whereby the resources where allocated according  to   productivity of an area  whereby  the unproductive areas  got less or no resources.This is injustices since those areas were  contributors of the national cake and are thus justified to get equal share of the national cake.In the past resources where allocated in public balazas,in campaign rallies all  for political purposes.Thus central Kenya,rift valley ,Nairobi ended up being developed ,leaving areas like North  Eastern undeveloped.During campaign rallies the president could promise roads  and electricity to a given area and the moment his candidate losses the promises are withdrawn.An example is Kipipiri constituency where the constituents where promised electricity.  The electricity post were taken to the area during the campaign time.After losing the election ,the electricity posts where removed from the area.What can u call this ? Thus the people were forced to show support to the sitting president in order for their areas to receive development .The citizen of the country have freedom of choice without discrimination.This lead for agitation for  a new constitution  which could limit the power of the executive in the allocation of resources which become a reality last year.

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