Sunday 26 June 2011

social injustice

Every Kenyan have right to Live.Where  is ordinary citizen supposed to  look for protection  if the government which is supposed to provide security to  its citizen is  killing its own citizen on unknown circumstance through unknown  police squids ? 2007-2009 witnessed the disappearance of many youth who were suspected to be followers of unregistered groups like Mungiki.Most of this youth were found in mortuary and in forests after dying in unclear circumstances.The youths were accused of extorting money from matatu crews and landlords  in exchange of protection.This came after the then minister of internal security said; You will be hearing the burial if so and so is today.Any Kenyan who is suspected to be involved in any crime is supposed to be subjected to the rule of law.The court of law is supposed to determine whether the victim is guilty of the offence or not.The police denied any involvement in extrajudicial killing although all evidence fall squarely on them.The human right group tried to  put the pressure on the government to stop the killings.Some of the human right activists were also killed in unclear circumstances  like Mr kingara of Oscar foundation.A UN special rapporteur was sent to investigate the extrajudicial killing in Kenya.In his report Prof Aston noted there was extrajudicial killing by the police  and called for the removal of the  police commissioner and the Attorney General singling them as the direct responsible for the current state of affairs.The then police commissioner was transferred to another department but the Attorney General remained.The fundamentals which the government should address among the youths is unemployment .The youths are attracted to join the gang groups like mungiki and Al shalbu since they have nothing to do thus they lack sense of responsibility.To the government killing the youths is not the solution.

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